Brant Waterways is a charitable Foundation that provides funding assistance and advocacy to projects in Brantford, Brant County and Six Nations of the Grand River that enhance, restore, protect and preserve our natural heritage of the Grand River, its waterways and adjacent lands to provide recreational opportunities, a healthy environment and sustainable use.

Brant Waterways Foundation’s Board of Directors is currently seeking nominations for Director Positions commencing June 2024.  We are seeking volunteer Board candidates from within the historical boundary of Brant County (Six Nations of the Grand River, County of Brant, and the City of Brantford) to serve a three-year term with eligibility for reappointment for an additional three years. 

Brant Waterways operates with a hands-on ‘working’ Board of Directors that engages in advocacy and fundraising activities. Currently, there is one part-time Board Coordinator. Administrative costs are kept to a minimum in order to be financially responsible to our donors and ensure we have the greatest impact for projects for which we provide funding assistance.

The Board of Directors invites interested individuals who are committed to our cause to contribute their expertise, time and knowledge to our Board.

How to apply: Please complete and email an application form to [email protected]. Find the application form below.

Should you have any questions, please email us at [email protected]

The deadline for applications is Friday, April 19, 2024.

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