You can help keep our waterways and trails beautiful
Through Brant Waterways and in partnership with all levels of government, corporations and individuals just like you, we have invested over $5 million in projects that protect waterways and restore the Grand River and adjacent lands. We have funded the building of the Trans Canada Trail in both Brantford and Brant, invested in the Paris Canoe Portage and other river access points, supported wetland and creek restorations and so much mor
Please help us to continue our work. Your gift will be used to improve waterways and the quality of life for all within the historical boundary of Brant County.
Charitable tax receipts will be issued for all donations. Please call us at 519-770-6000 with any questions.
Donations can be made by mailing a cheque to:
Brant Waterways Foundation
P.O. Box 21014, 84 Lynden Rd., Brantford, ON N3R 6B8
Donations can also be made online, in one of three ways:
- E-transfer to [email protected] (no password required). Please include your name, email address and mailing address in the memo field so we can send our thanks and a charitable donation receipt.)
- Through CanadaHelps, A charitable tax receipt will be issued by CanadaHelps.
- With a credit card, through the PayPal Giving Fund A charitable tax receipt will be issued by the PayPal Giving Fund.
Thank you for your support and for joining us in protecting and preserving!
Our Donors and Funding Partners

Brant Waterways Foundation’s strong relationships with its generous donors and funding partners are essential to the success of the projects we support and the impact they have on our local communities in Brantford, Brant Count, and Six Nations of the Grand River. Simply put, we couldn’t do what we do without them!
TIRA Donors
Annual Donors
In Memoriam Donations
Grant Opportunities
Since its establishment in 1988, Brant Waterways Foundation has – together with its funding partners – invested more than $5 million in our local communities.
Municipalities of Brant, Brantford, Six Nations Territory and New Credit Territory, Conservation Authorities and incorporated non-profits located within the historical boundary of Brant County – are eligible to make applications for funding assistance. Funding requests from organizations aside from the previously defined groups may apply for consideration on an individual basis.
Only applications involving projects on publicly owned lands or Six Nations lands shall be eligible.
Small Grants Program
Brant Waterways Foundation aims to provide an annual budget of $40,000 for the purpose of funding projects up to $10,000 per quarter.
Large Grants Program
From time to time Brant Waterways Foundation will undertake to participate in larger projects requiring major grants which exceed the $10,000 threshold of the Small Grants Program. For examples of large projects, click on these links: Hardy Rd. Project and TH&B Project.
Eligibility Requirements and Guidelines:
- Eligible projects must involve preservation, protection, restoration or improvements to the natural resources of the Grand River, its tributaries, related bodies of water or adjacent lands within our geographic jurisdiction: Brantford, Brant County and Six Nations of the Grand River.
- Projects should encourage and foster understanding and awareness of the natural and heritage values of the water resources in our jurisdiction.
- Projects should provide public amenities related to such water resources and thereby enhance the quality of life.
- Projects should assist in the provision of health and recreational programs and facilities related to waterways in Brant County.
- Municipalities of Brant, Brantford, Six Nations Territory and New Credit Territory located within the historical boundary of Brant County are eligible to make applications for funding assistance. Funding requests from organizations aside from the previously defined groups may apply for consideration on an individual basis.
- Only applications involving projects on publicly owned lands or Six Nations lands shall be eligible.
- Applications must be submitted on Foundation forms and contain all required information.
- All applicants shall be notified in respect to funding no later than one month after the Board considers their application.
- Every effort shall be made to distribute available funds to projects throughout the local watershed and to those which will provide, where possible, a wide range of benefits to the community.
- The Foundation shall not be responsible for the future expenses of a funded project. The applicant’s provision for such future expenses shall be considered in the selection process.
- The application must include a written commitment that the project development, construction, maintenance or renovation costs will be in accordance with the applicant’s tendering/quotation policies. If the applicant decides to go outside its normal tendering policies in the development, construction, renovation and/or maintenance of a given project, then the Foundation reserves the right to review its financial participation in such a project.
- Successful applications must review and commit to all terms outlined in the funding agreement, such as the submission of interim and final reports.
- Funded projects shall bear appropriate recognition of the Foundation’s support.
- All final decisions with respect to the fundraising and allocation of donated funds rest with the Directors of the Foundation.
- The Directors of the Foundation reserve the sole right of interpretation of these guidelines.
Click here to complete and submit an online application or
Click here to download and print an application. (Applications can be mailed to our post office box: 84 Lynden Road, P.O. Box 21014, Brantford ON N3R 6B8. To arrange for delivery by hand or courier, please call our telephone number.)
For more information, please contact us: [email protected] or tel 519-770-6000.
Volunteer Opportunities
volunteer sign up form