Our Donors and Funding Partners

Brant Waterways Foundation’s strong relationships with its generous donors and funding partners are essential to the success of the projects we support and the impact they have on our local communities in Brantford, Brant Count, and Six Nations of the Grand River. Simply put, we couldn’t do what we do without them!
We are pleased to recognize the financial support of our benefactors, supporters and friends
To date our Trails Improvement & River Access (TIRA) campaign has raised more than $500,000 for game-changing projects that will protect our ecosystems, promote first-class outdoor recreational opportunities and improve the health and well-being of people in Brantford, Brant County and Six Nations of the Grand River. We recognize and thank all our generous and visionary donors.
Paul and Margot Williamson
Waterous Holden Amey Hitchon LLP
Pinevest Homes Inc.
G .MacDonald Family Fund
Millards Chartered Professional Accountants
Brant Aero
Brant Industrial Warehousing
Brant Star Developments Ltd.
J.H. Young & Sons Ltd.
John Hall & Margot Neill
Harry Leach
Mike Yarek Dodge Chrysler
MMMC Architects
Kim & Bernard Neziol
Duncan Ross
Dr. Willem Bouma
Ed & Shelly Doucet
Margaret Fanjoy
Marie Fanjoy & Craig Mann
Stephanie Hermans
Macauley White & Muir
Mott Manufacturing
James McCracken
Reynolds Custom Machine
Jeffrey & Catherine Rice
Brian Smith & Janet Crook
Colleen & John Stolp
Paul & Brigitte Tinevez
Sheila Turner
Bruce Wells
The Brant Tree Coalition has planted over 100,000 trees to help naturalize and restore greenspace in our local community through the help of past and current donors. We recognize and thank these donors for their contributions:
Rotary Club of Brantford
Fairview United Church Men’s Group
Women’s Probus Club of Brant
Apotex Pharmachem Inc.
Brant Woodlot Owners
Brant Community Foundation
City of Brantford – Community Grant Program
CN EcoConnexions, From the Ground Up
Crown Verity
Enbridge Gas
Forests Ontario 50 Million Trees Program
Grand River Conservation Foundation
Men’s Probus Club of Brantford
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests – Land Stewardship and Habitat Restoration Program
S.C. Johnson & Son
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
Walmart/ Evergreen
Our 2022 Gala was a major success, raising over $30,000 to support projects and initiatives to improve, protect, and restore our local waterways and the trails. A special thank you goes to the following 2022 Gala Sponsors:
Dr. Willem Bouma, Optometrist
Calbeck Investments Inc.
Valentina Pasquini Real Estate Group
Terry Summerhays
214 Carson Co.
Gates Canada
Extend Communications
Ludlow’s Men’s Wear
Nancy Tompkin & Associates
TD Bank
Brantford Toyota
Apex Chain & Cable
Brant County Ford
Tulsar Custom Controls
Laracy & Associates
With the support of our partners and attendees we were able to raise $37,400 for our local rivers and trails projects.
- Mike Yarek
- APEX Chain & Cable
- Brant Aero
- Will Bouma
- Best Western Brantford Hotel & Conference Centre
- Gates
- J.H. Cohoon Engineering LTD.
- Myra’s Bar & Grill
- Pinnacle Realty Group
- Reynold’s Custom Machine Inc.
- TD Bank
With your support we were able to raise $51,500 to support our local community, waterways, and trails.
- Crystal Homes
- Fernbrook Homes
- Paris Riverside
- APEX Chain & Cable
- Mike Yarek
- Riverside Heating & Air Conditioning Inc.
- Sifton
- Will Bouma
- Ark Electrical
- Brantford Toyota
- Brooks Signs
- Gates
- Grandbridge Energy
- Matthew Hendrie Investment Advisor
- TD Bank
- Valhalla
Brant Waterways Foundations is thankful for the annual donations and special grants received from local Foundations.
The Brant Community Foundation
The Roger and Edith Davis Foundation
The Stephen Smith and Dorothy Woltz Foundation
Brant Waterways Foundation is the grateful recipient of donations made in memory of the following individuals. We’re proud to help honour them.
2019 – 2022
Cameron Allen
Patricia Antler
Terry Bateson
Leonard Henry Carl Bruder
Pat Campbell
Ebe Having
Margaret Mary Haley
Peter Hexamer
Manfred Kaster
Larry Jones
Ike Vanderwoude
Dr. Richard Wales
Shirley Wells
We are also grateful for support from many friends and anonymous donors. Together, we are building healthier communities and protecting our precious resources!